Nolan Nemeroff


Nolan Nemeroff


  • Bad For Your Health


When developing a logo for our agency, I was inspired by vintage broadcasting branding. With the design of our campaign almost reading like PSA's, I wanted the branding to reflect something similar.


When developing a logo for our agency, I was inspired by vintage broadcasting branding. With the design of our campaign almost reading like PSA's, I wanted the branding to reflect something similar.


When developing a logo for our agency, I was inspired by vintage broadcasting branding. With the design of our campaign almost reading like PSA's, I wanted the branding to reflect something similar.




Bad For Your Health


Chicago, Illinois




Fashion Design / Brand Design / Strategy / E-Com


These are clothes I make with my best friend.

Based in Champaign, Illinois, and operated out of a studio that doubled as a community gallery, Bad For Your Health was more than a fashion label, but a cultural zeitgeist that facilitated the spread of art within our local community. As an award-winning label, Bad For Your Health sought sustainable alternatives to fashion production, developing practices at every stage of the design process that minimized waste. My job as a co-founder and designer was to visualize the inconsistency and raw nature that was inherent in the experimentation and growth of our brand.

View the site.


These are clothes I make with my best friend.

Based in Champaign, Illinois, and operated out of a studio that doubled as a community gallery, Bad For Your Health was more than a fashion label, but a cultural zeitgeist that facilitated the spread of art within our local community. As an award-winning label, Bad For Your Health sought sustainable alternatives to fashion production, developing practices at every stage of the design process that minimized waste. My job as a co-founder and designer was to visualize the inconsistency and raw nature that was inherent in the experimentation and growth of our brand.

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These are clothes I make with my best friend.

Based in Champaign, Illinois, and operated out of a studio that doubled as a community gallery, Bad For Your Health was more than a fashion label, but a cultural zeitgeist that facilitated the spread of art within our local community. As an award-winning label, Bad For Your Health sought sustainable alternatives to fashion production, developing practices at every stage of the design process that minimized waste. My job as a co-founder and designer was to visualize the inconsistency and raw nature that was inherent in the experimentation and growth of our brand.

View the site.


When developing a logo for our agency, I was inspired by vintage broadcasting branding. With the design of our campaign almost reading like PSA's, I wanted the branding to reflect something similar.